The machine learning projects for beginners and professionals we will be looking at in this article worth your time and skill. The ones to be discussed here are not only exciting but also innovative as well.

Machine learning has become so important in our world today that it has made our electronic devices smart. The use of Machine learning is to transform less sophisticated machines into mind-blowing ones. These projects appear tricky, but they are fascinating to build.

Whether you are a professional or a beginner, there are available resources on the internet; you can make fair use of getting started with machine learning projects.

1. Movie Recommendations with Movielens Dataset

You can use your machine learning skill to take on a recommendation project for movies and streaming videos. Machine learning beginners can quickly and easily explore this project.

Movie recommender system framework. | Download Scientific Diagram


  • This particular project depends on the history and preferences of the viewers
  • You can design this project with Python or R language

2. Tensorflow

Tensorflow is excellent software for anyone trying to sharpen or take their machine learning skill to another level. It is used to do data flow projects.



  • You can easily create this project with Java programming language
  • Tensorflow is simply an open-source artificial intelligence library
  • It is used to create data flow graphs

3. Sales Forecasting with Walmart

This project can be created for businessmen and women that would love to predict their future sales.

Walmart Sales Forecasting and


  • This machine learning project is mainly used for creating reasonable data-driven decisions in channel optimization and inventory planning

4. Stock Price Prediction

If you are going to take on a project of this magnitude, whether as a beginner or a professional, you will have to depend on past price datasets, volatility indices, and fundamental indicators.

Analytics Vidhya
Predicting the Stock Market Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning


  • It is very much alike to sales forecasting
  • Search for the stock market dataset from Quantopian or Quandl and download it before you can get started with it
  • Stock price prediction allows you to make predictions based on massive datasets

5. Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones

You can simply take advantage of machine learning by using your smartphones to develop projects that are sensitive to the activities we carry out these days. It is used to detect any activity like running, walking or cycling, etc.

Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones


  • You can use it to develop classification models that will effectively predict future activities

6. Wine Quality Prediction Project

Wine quality data set is an excellent machine learning project that put into consideration essential factors like age, price, etc. for predicting wines’ quality.
Machine Learning: Wine Quality Prediction


  • You can simply use this project to know more about data visualization, data exploration, regression models, and R programming

7. Prediction of Beast Cancer

A breast tumor can be said to be mild or injurious by putting together factors like the thickness of the lump, bare nuclei numbers, and mitosis.

Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning – Data Driven …


  • It is nice for practicing R programming

8. Iris Classification

You can simply take on the  Iris Flowers dataset to increase your knowledge and familiarize yourself with machine learning.

Iris Classification


  • Anyone trying to learn this project must know basics numeric values and data

9. The sorting of some certain tweets on Twitter

This project allows you to develop an algorithm that uses scraped tweets that have been operating via a natural language processor. So that you can able to deduce the likely ones to match specific themes, talk about particular individuals, etc.

Towards Data Science
Automated Text Classification Using Machine Learning


  • It is aimed at quickly filtering tweets that include some certain words and information

10. Converting Handwritten documents to Digitalized Ones

This machine learning project is the best you can easily lay your hands-on if you are looking to practice deep learning and neural networks.

Document Digitization with Machine Learning


  • It can also teach you how to find your way around logistic regression and MNIST datasets.
  • It is used to transform pixel data into images

11. Predicting Loans Using Machine Learning

This machine learning project is all about creating a model that will assist in categorizing the limit at which users can go about collecting loans.

Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning


  • It depends on the marital status, education, employment, and number of dependents of users

12. Housing Price Prediction Project

This particular housing price prediction project is filled with a dataset of Boston residential regions’ prices. Some essential factors are put into consideration when determining the prices of houses in those areas.

Towards Data Science
Machine Learning Project: Predicting Boston House Prices With …


  • It is an excellent tool for forecasting prices on the basis of new data

13. Titanic Survival Project

This machine learning project is created to predict if a person would have come out alive or not in the titanic ship.

Suruchi Fialoke
Titanic – Machine Learning from Disaster!


  • Users are allowed to use the titanic dataset that comprises actual data of the people that survived the incident. And the real data of people that never made it out of the incident

14. Bitcoin Price prediction Project

This machine learning project is used in predicting the price of bitcoin through the use of the earlier data.

Bitcoin Price Forecast 2020: BTC, the ultimate store of value


  • It is a very important project in blockchain technology today

15. Project involving the Analyses of Uber Data

You can simply use this project to carry out data visualization on data that is concerned with Uber.

Project in R – Uber Data Analysis Project – DataFlair


  • It contains a large data of Uber pickups
  • This dataset has to be properly presented in order to ease the analysis of the rides

16. Personality Prediction Project

This project does the identification of peoples’ personalities. This personality type system could tell a lot about a person by just the contents they share on the internet.

SmartBrains Maker Space
Personality Prediction System through CV Analysis|IT Project …


  • It depends on introversion, intuition, recognizing capabilities and thinking

17. Prediction Project of Xbox Game

The BestBuy Consumer Electronics company has made available the search history of users. From this data, the particular kind of Xbox game a user is most likely to purchase can be deduced.

Xbox Game Prediction Project


  • Visitors can take recommendation from this when they are about to buy a game

18. Credit Card Fraud Detection Project

The idea behind the development of this machine learning project is creating a fraud detection measure on credit cards.

Credit Card Fraud Detection


  • In order to detect whether the recent transaction from a user involves fraudulent acts or not, you can use transactions and their labels as fraud or non-fraud

19. Barbies with Brain Project

The idea behind the creation of this project is to make the barbie toy to understand and talk fluently.

Popular Science
Barbie Learns To Chat Using Artificial Intelligence


  • This project will enhance the learning process of kids

20. The use of Machine Learning to Segment Customers

The segmentation of customers has to do with the grouping of customers based on one or two factors. This piece of idea is needed for personalizing marketing and providing customers with important deals.

Data Science Project – Customer Segmentation using Machine …


  • This grouping of customers can depend on factors like age, interest, gender, purchase history, etc.

21. The Use of Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis

This project identifies the emotions of users as either positive, negative, or neutral by simply using sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis: Machine Learning Approach


  • It is a very popular and useful project among us today

22. Environ Investigation Project

Although the Environ company stop functioning as early as the year 2000 but their data can be used to perform an investigation.


  • You can use it to perform data analytics
  • Science oriented individuals are familiar with this project’s dataset

23. Project involving the Recognition of Speech Emotion

This project can easily reveal the emotional feeling of a speaker. It can be told if a speaker is in a good or bad mood, sad, angry, etc.

Towards Data Science
Speech Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network


  • It utilizes audio data

24. Catching Illegal Fishing Project

This machine learning project is all about using the satellite and geo-location data to identify poaching of animals.

Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Operational Monitoring of …


  • You can get free real-time data from the global fishing watch if you are interested in this project

25. The Use of Collaborative Filtering to Recommend Grocery Online

This project is aimed at creating a grocery recommendation system that would help customers suggest the items they might need in the basket.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System


  • It performs collaborative filtering

26. Google Creative Lab’s Teachable Machine

Teachable machine is simply known as a trial that helps in distracting people from knowing how machine learning works.
Teachable Machine


  • It gives you the opportunity to teach machines that make use of your camera
  • It functions well with deeplearn.js
  • You can use this project to begin your machine learning adventure

27. Rock-Paper-Scissors Machine

Kaz Sato and his young child created this machine learning project. It works by identifying the hand motion of users through the use of sensors attached to a glove and a machine learning calculation powered by Tensorflow.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Machine: AI Experiments | Experiments with …


  • A machine learning project for beginners

28. Font Map

This project is created by Kevin Ho. It is aimed at using machine learning to bring about new relationships between fonts.

Experiments with Google
Font Map by Kevin Ho


  • Kevin Ho didn’t do this on his own, he worked with a set of people like Tobias Toft, Jochen Maria Weber, and planning group at IDEO
  • This project depends on Tensorflow and D3.js


This project is all about using machine learning to picture high-dimensional information. It is created by Daniel Smilkov, Fernanda Viégas, Martin Wattenberg, and the Big Picture group at Google.

Resonance of Life
Resonance of Life: A.I. Experiments: Visualizing High-Dimensional …


  • Go search for this project on the internet, it is free to all

30. NSYNTH: Sound Maker

This project is aimed at using machine learning to make sounds. It is created by Maroon and Imaginative Lab groups at Google.

Experiments with Google
NSynth: Sound Maker by Yotam Mann


  • It depends on Nsynth

31. The Infinite Drum Machine

This project for beginners make is all about using machine learning to organize a large percentage of ordinary sounds.

Machine Learning Projects
Experiments with Google
The Infinite Drum Machine by Manny Tan & Kyle McDonald …


  • It is conducted by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan, Yotam Mann, and companions at Google Imaginative Lab

32. Bird Sounds

It is a common fact that the sounds from a bird is necessarily not stable. This project is all about using machine learning to organize a large number of birds sounds.

Machine Learning Projects
Experiments with Google
Bird Sounds by Manny Tan & Kyle McDonald | Experiments with Google


  • It is created by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan, Yotam Mann, and companions at Google Inventive Lab

33. What Neutral Networks See

This machine learning project gives you the access to adjust your camera in investigating what neural nets see, live through the use of your camera.

Machine Learning Projects
Experiments with Google
What Neural Networks See by Gene Kogen


  • Gene Kogen designs this project

34. Giorgio Cam

You can easily use this machine learning project to create music with a personal computer by just snapping pictures.

Machine Learning Projects
A2D Tech World
Giorgio Cam: An AI based camera…powered by Google – A2D Tech World


  • It is created by Rosenbaum, Yotam Mann, and companions at Google Innovative Lab
  • This project depends on MaryTTS, Tone.js, and Google Cloud Vision Programming interface

35. Artificial Intelligence Duet

This machine learning project is aimed at playing a two-part harmony with the PC. The PC becomes sensitive to a user’s song when they play a few notes.

Machine Learning Projects
Experiments with Google
AI Duet by Yotam Mann


  • It is created by Yotam Mann with colleagues on the Magenta and Innovative Lab groups at Google
  • This project is based on Tensorflow, Tone.js, and open-source devices from the Magenta undertaking

36. AutoDraw

AutoDraw can simply be called a drawing instruction. This project adds together machine learning knowledge with that of gifted artists’ instructions to quickly make anything visual for people.

Machine Learning Projects
Google | Google Creative Lab | Autodraw: An A.I. Experiment | WE …


  • It is a beginner project created by Google Creative Lab

37. A Machine Learning Gladiator

You can simply use this machine learning project to enhance your knowledge about the workflow of model building. This project will teach you how to clean and import data.


  • Either of python or R language will be needed to handle this project
  • You must be familiar with regression, classification, and clustering algorithms before taking on this piece of work

38. Scikit-Learn

Scikit-learn is an open-source artificial intelligence project that doesn’t require too much to create. You can effectively and adequately use to build artificial intelligence projects.



  • It is very useful for data mining and data analysis
  • This project is free to all to use

39. Theano

You can simply effectively use Theano for defining, optimizing, and evaluating mathematical expressions and multi-dimensional arrays.


  • Theano is an open-source machine learning project
  • You can also use it to carry out academic research purposes

40. Keras

Keras is one of the best open-source machine learning projects you can lay your hands-on as a beginner. It works well for both convolution networks and recurrent networks.

Machine Learning Projects
Deep Learning with Keras


  • User-friendly
  • Extensibility
  • It functions well with Python language


We have provided you with some of the best machine learning ideas that are common in our today. They are set of projects beginners and professionals can lay their hands-on to improve their skills and take their career to another level. Try them out.. If you are a software engineer, they are lovely to work on.