Angular datepicker is a necessary and often most used Angular component that allows the user to select a date easily without having to know the format that the input expects, the user just need to provide the date following a simple UI. There are a lot of datepicker Libraries available for Angular.

Here are 5 most useful & best Angular datepicker libraries to ease your Angular app development.

1. Mydatepicker

Angular Datepicker

My datepicker is a Highly configurable Angular date picker. This angular datepicker library is Compatible  to Angular2+.

Github stats

[gitrepo author=”kekeh” repo=”mydatepicker”]

2. ng2-datetime

Angular datepicker

This Angular datepicker library get Job done. Yet another powerful Datetime picker  for Angular.

Github stats

[gitrepo author=”nkalinov” repo=”ng2-datetime”]

3. Ngx-mydatepicker

Angular datepicker

This library is similar to Mydatepicker , but difference between these two is that with the ngx-mydatepicker you can define the style of input box, calendar and clear buttons.

Github stats

[gitrepo author=”kekeh” repo=”ngx-mydatepicker”]

angular datepicker

A minimalist datepicker library for Angular 2+, inspired by Google’s material design.

Github stats

[gitrepo author=”koleary94″ repo=”Angular-2-Datepicker”]

5.  Jalali-angular-datepicker

angular datepicker

This is a configurable multilingual date-picker build for Angular 2 – 5 applications and uses jalali-moment as its dependency. it’s only Angular! No jQuery.

Github stats

[gitrepo author=”fingerpich” repo=”jalali-angular-datepicker”]


This article highlights 5 best Angular Datepicker Libraries based on Github popularity. If you Know any other Angular Datepicker, share it with us!